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Deploying onos-topo

This guide deploys onos-topo through it's Helm chart assumes you have a Kubernetes cluster running with an atomix controller deployed in a namespace. onos-topo Helm chart is based on Helm 3.0 version, with no need for the Tiller pod to be present. If you don't have a cluster running and want to try on your local machine please follow first the Kubernetes setup steps outlined in deploy with Helm. The following steps assume you have the setup outlined in that page, including the micro-onos namespace configured.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart in the micro-onos namespace run from the root directory of the onos-helm-charts repo the command:

helm install -n micro-onos onos-topo onos-topo

The output should be:

NAME: onos-topo
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Nov 26 13:31:42 2019
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

helm install assigns a unique name to the chart and displays all the k8s resources that were created by it. To list the charts that are installed and view their statuses, run helm ls:

helm ls
NAME            REVISION    UPDATED                     STATUS      CHART                       APP VERSION NAMESPACE
onos-topo   1           Tue May 14 18:56:39 2019    DEPLOYED    onos-topo-0.0.1         0.0.1       default

Onos Topo Partition Set

The onos-topo chart also deployes a PartitionSet custom Atomix resource to store all the configuration in a replicated and fail safe manner. In the following example there is only one partition set deployed onos-topo-1-0.

NAMESPACE     NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default       atomix-controller-b579b9f48-lgvxf            1/1     Running   0          63m
default       onos-topo-1-0                              1/1     Running   0          61m
default       onos-topo-77765c9dc4-vsjjn                 1/1     Running   0          61m

One can customize the number of partitions and replicas by modifying, in values.yaml, under store/raft the values of

partitions: 1
partitionSize: 1

Installing the chart in a different namespace.

Issue the helm install command substituting micro-onos with your namespace.

helm install -n <your_name_space> onos-topo onos-topo

Installing the chart with debug.

onos-topo offers the capability to open a debug port (4000) to the image. To enable the debug capabilities please set the debug flag to true in values.yaml or pass it to helm install

helm install -n micro-onos onos-topo onos-topo --set debug=true

Also to verify how template values are expanded, run:

helm install template onos-gui


If your chart does not install or the pod is not running for some reason and/or you modified values Helm offers two flags to help you debug your chart:

  • --dry-run check the chart without actually installing the pod.
  • --debug prints out more information about your chart
helm install -n micro-onos onos-topo --debug --dry-run onos-topo/

Uninstalling the chart.

To remove the onos-topo pod issue

 helm delete -n micro-onos onos-topo

Pod Information

To view the pods that are deployed, run kubectl -n micro-onos get pods.