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Testing with ONIT

ONIT provides a rich API for setting up and operating on μONOS clusters in tests.

Creating a test image

Tests are deployed as standalone Docker images. Each test image may contain one or more test or benchmark suites, and test commands may filter test suites and tests via command line arguments.

To create a test image, create a main function for the tests and call the onit.Main() function:

package main

import (

func main() {

The onit.Main() function will run tests based on the arguments provided via the onit CLI. If no test suites are registered (as in the example above), no tests will be run. To register test and benchmark suites, call onit.RegisterTests or onit.RegisterBenchmarks respectively:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Register Atomix tests
    onit.RegisterTests(raft, &atomix.SmokeTestSuite{})
    onit.RegisterTests(raft, &atomix.HATestSuite{})

    // Register Atomix benchmarks
    onit.RegisterBenchmarks(raft, &atomix.BenchmarkSuite{})


Each test suite should be assigned a unique name which can be used to filter suites in the same image when running tests via the CLI:

> onit test --image onosproject/onos-tests:latest --suite atomix-ha

Writing a test suite

Tests are grouped into suites, and suites are defined by Golang structs. All tests within a suite are run sequentially within a shared environment, but multiple suites within a test image may be run in parallel, each in their own Kubernetes namespace.

To create a test suite, extend onit.TestSuite:

type MyTestSuite struct {

Tests in a suite must follow the Test* naming pattern and take a *testing.T as the sole argument:

func (s *MyTestSuite) TestStuff(t *testing.T) {

Test suites can also implement a variety of interfaces for setting up and tearing down the suite and individual tests: * SetupTestSuite - Run once before all tests to set up the test suite * TearDownTestSuite - Run once after all tests to tear down the test suite * SetupTest - Run before each test method to set up the test * TearDownTest - Run after each test method to tear down the test

Setup API

When a test is deployed it is run in a namespace that is virtually empty. Test suites are responsible for setting up the systems required by the tests. To assist test suites in setting up μONOS clusters, ONIT provides a setup API that allows test suites to configure every component of the μONOS cluster.

The setup API is typically only used once in the setup method of a test suite:

func (s *MyTestSuite) SetupTestSuite() {


Setting up the cluster

To facilitate setting up test clusters, the setup API provides configuration interfaces for each μONOS subsystem: * Atomix - Configure the Atomix controller * Database - Configure database partitions used by μONOS services * Topo - Configure the μONOS topology service * Config - Configure the μONOS config service * CLI - Configure the μONOS command line client

func (s *MyTestSuite) SetupTestSuite() {

Once the desired subsystems have been configured, set up the cluster by calling SetupOrDie:

func (s *MyTestSuite) SetupTestSuite() {

Runtime API

The setup API only provides for the deployment of the basic services required by a μONOS cluster. Most tests also require network devices, applications, and other components. ONIT provides a runtime API called env for adding devices to the cluster, deploying and redeploying applications, killing nodes, and much more.

To prevent tests from polluting each other, the env API should only be used within the test methods themselves. Each test is responsible for adding and removing the resources it requires.

func (s *MyTestSuite) TestDevices(t *testing.T) {
    device1 := env.NewSimulator().
    device2 := env.NewSimulator().

Testing core services

The env API provides information about each of the services running within the μONOS test cluster. The APIs for each service can be used to list nodes, kill nodes, execute commands on any node, and connect to northbound APIs for relevant services.

To list the nodes in the topo service:

nodes := env.Topo().Nodes()

To kill a node in the topo service:


To wait for the topo service to recover after a failure:


To execute a command on the CLI:

env.CLI().Execute("onos topo get devices")

To connect the the topo service's northbound API:

conn, err := env.Topo().Connect()

Managing applications

To add an application to the cluster, call env.NewApp():

func (s *MyTestSuite) TestZTP(t *testing.T) {
    ztp := env.NewApp().

Applications must be configured with an image and may specify the number of nodes to deploy. Additionally, application configurations can be used to expose ports, add secrets, specify container arguments, and set other options:

  • SetReplicas sets the number of replicas to deploy
  • SetImage sets the image to deploy
  • SetPullPolicy sets the image pull policy
  • AddPort adds a named port to the application deployment. Note: the first port added to the application will be used for health checking.
  • SetPorts sets the named ports to expose for the application
  • SetDebug sets whether to enable debug mode. When debug mode is enabled, containers will be deployed with the SYS_PTRACE ability enabled
  • AddSecret adds a secret to the application deployment. The path is the path at which the secret will be mounted inside the app pods. The value is the value of the secret to add.
  • SetSecrets sets the secrets to attach to the application deployment
  • SetUser overrides the user with which to run the application containers
  • SetPrivileged sets whether to run the application in privileged mode
  • AddEnv adds an environment variable to the application
  • SetEnv sets the environment variables to pass to the containers
  • SetArgs sets the arguments to pass to the containers
func (s *MyTestSuite) TestZTP(t *testing.T) {
    ztp := env.NewApp().
        AddPort("grpc", 5150).
        AddSecret("/certs/onf.cacrt", caCert).
        AddSecret("/certs/onos-ztp.cert", ztpCert).
        AddSecret("/certs/onos-ztp.key", ztpKey).
        SetArgs("-caPath=/certs/onf.cacrt", "-certPath=/certs/onos-ztp.cert", "-keyPath=/certs/onos-ztp.key").

Once an application has been deployed, tests can query the application nodes, execute commands within the application's pod, kill nodes, and more:

func (s *MyTestSuite) TestZTP(t *testing.T) {
    ztp := env.NewApp().
        AddPort("grpc", 5150).

    // Execute a command on a ztp node to add a role
    ztp.Execute("onos ztp add role foo")

    // Kill a ztp node

Managing device simulators

To add a device simulator to the cluster, use env.NewSimulator() and add the device with AddOrDie():

func (s *MyTestSuite) TestGNMI(t *testing.T) {
    device1 := env.NewSimulator().
    device2 := env.NewSimulator().


When a device simulator is added to the cluster, it will automatically be added to the μONOS topology.

To improve performance when setting up multiple device simulators, simulators can be deployed concurrently using AddSimulators():

func (s *MyTestSuite) TestGNMI(t *testing.T) {
    devices := env.AddSimulators().


Simulators can be removed by simply calling Remove() or RemoveOrDie():


Managing Mininet networks

To add a Mininet network to the cluster, use env.NewNetwork():

func (s *MyTestSuite) TestNetwork(t *testing.T) {
    network := env.NewNetwork().
        SetTopo("linear,2", 2).

When a network is added to the cluster, ONIT will create a service per device and add each device to the μONOS topology. Devices can then be accessed via the network API:

for _, device := range network.Devices() {

To remove a network and all its devices, simply call Remove() or RemoveOrDie():
