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Building onos-config

In order the build the project, developers are expected to install the required development tools.

Currently, the project build and validation is driven by a top-level Makefile, which supports the following usage:

> make help
build                           build the Go binaries and run all validations (default)
clean                           remove all the build artifacts
coverage                        generate unit test coverage data
deps                            ensure that the required dependencies are in place
gofmt                           run the Go format validation
images                          build all Docker images
kind                            build Docker images and add them to the currently configured kind cluster
license_check                   examine and ensure license headers exist
linters                         examines Go source code and reports coding problems
onos-config-base-docker         build onos-config base Docker image
protos                          compile the protobuf files (using protoc-go Docker)
test                            run the unit tests and source code validation

Building Go binaries

To build the project, simply type make. This will check for required dependencies, compile the Go binaries and then perform all required validation steps, which includes unit tests, Go code formating, Go lint, Go vetting and license header compliance check. In future, there may be other tests.

| Note that since the build relies on Go modules, you must export GO111MODULE=on.

Building Docker images

To allow deployment of onos-config in a Kubernetes cluster, the Makefile allows creation of two separate Docker images.

The main Docker image is onosproject/onos-config, which is the main program that acts as a server that provides various gRPC interfaces to application. This include gNMI and the AdminService and DiagnosticService. The second Docker image is onosproject/onos-cli, which provides a command-line shell that can be deployed as an ephemeral container inside the Kubernetes cluster and which provides access to the onos CLI commands for remotely interacting with the services provided by onosproject/onos-config.

You can build both images by running make images.

Compiling protobufs

To compile Google Protocol Buffer files (*.proto) and to generate Go source files from them, simply run make protos. Provided you changed the source *.proto files, this will modify the corresponding *.pb.go source files. Although these files are auto-generated, developers are expected to check them in, anytime they change as a result of changing the *.proto files.

The protoc compiler is run using onosproject/proto-go Docker image, which has been published to remove the need for developers to install their own protoc compiler and its Go plugin. The Makefile makes this transparent.

Bulding Documentation

Documentation is published at

If you wish to see a version of it locally run:

godoc -goroot=$HOME/go

and then browse at http://localhost:6060/pkg/