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DeviceChangeRef is a reference to a device change

Field Type Label Description
device_change_id string 'device_change_id' is the unique identifier of the device change


NetworkChange specifies the configuration for a network change A network change is a configuration change that spans multiple devices. The change contains a list of per-device changes to be applied to the network.

Field Type Label Description
id string 'id' is the unique identifier of the change This field should be set prior to persisting the object.
index uint64 'index' is a monotonically increasing, globally unique index of the change The index is provided by the store, is static and unique for each unique change identifier, and should not be modified by client code.
revision uint64 'revision' is the change revision number The revision number is provided by the store and should not be modified by client code. Each unique state of the change will be assigned a unique revision number which can be used for optimistic concurrency control when updating or deleting the change state.
status onos.config.change.Status 'status' is the current lifecycle status of the change
created google.protobuf.Timestamp 'created' is the time at which the change was created
updated google.protobuf.Timestamp 'updated' is the time at which the change was last updated
changes onos.config.change.device.Change repeated 'changes' is a set of changes to apply to devices The list of changes should contain only a single change per device/version pair.
refs DeviceChangeRef repeated 'refs' is a set of references to stored device changes
deleted bool 'deleted' is a flag indicating whether this change is being deleted by a snapshot

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Type Java Type Python Type
double double double float
float float float float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long
bool bool boolean boolean
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str