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Chunk is for streaming a model plugin file to the server. There is a built in limit in gRPC of 4MB - plugin is usually around 20MB so break in to chunks of approx 1-2MB.

Field Type Label Description
so_file string so_file is the name being streamed.
content bytes content is the bytes content.


CompactChangesRequest requests a compaction of the Network Change and Device Change stores

Field Type Label Description
retention_period google.protobuf.Duration retention_period is an optional duration of time counting back from the present moment Network changes that were created during this period should not be compacted Any network changes that are older should be compacted If not specified the duration is 0


CompactChangesResponse is a response to the Compact Changes command


ListModelsRequest carries data for querying registered model plugins.

Field Type Label Description
verbose bool verbose option causes all of the ReadWrite and ReadOnly paths to be included.
model_name string An optional filter on the name of the model plugins to list.
model_version string An optional filter on the version of the model plugins to list


ListSnapshotsRequest requests a list of snapshots for all devices and versions.

Field Type Label Description
subscribe bool subscribe indicates whether to subscribe to events (e.g. ADD, UPDATE, and REMOVE) that occur after all devices have been streamed to the client
id string option to specify a specific device - if blank or '*' then select all Can support * (match many chars) or '?' (match one char) as wildcard


ModelInfo is general information about a model plugin.

Field Type Label Description
name string name is the name given to the model plugin - no spaces and title case.
version string version is the semantic version of the Plugin e.g. 1.0.0.
model_data gnmi.ModelData repeated model_data is a set of metadata about the YANG files that went in to generating the model plugin. It includes name, version and organization for each YANG file, similar to how they are represented in gNMI Capabilities.
module string module is the name of the Model Plugin on the file system - usually ending in .so.<version>.
getStateMode uint32 getStateMode is flag that defines how the "get state" operation works. 0) means that no retrieval of state is attempted 1) means that the synchronizer will make 2 requests to the device - one for Get with State and another for Get with Operational. 2) means that the synchronizer will do a Get request comprising of each one of the ReadOnlyPaths and their sub paths. If there is a list in any one of these paths it will be sent down as is, expecting the devices implementation of gNMI will be able to expand wildcards. 3) means that the synchronizer will do a Get request comprising of each one of the ReadOnlyPaths and their sub paths. If there is a list in any one of these paths, a separate call will be made first to find all the instances in the list and a Get including these expanded wildcards will be sent down to the device.
read_only_path ReadOnlyPath repeated read_only_path is all of the read only paths for the model plugin.
read_write_path ReadWritePath repeated read_write_path is all of the read write paths for the model plugin.


ReadOnlyPath extracted from the model plugin as the definition of a tree of read only items. In YANG models items are defined as ReadOnly with the config false keyword. This can be applied to single items (leafs) or collections (containers or lists). When this config false is applied to an object every item beneath it will also become readonly - here these are shown as subpaths. The complete read only path then will be a concatenation of both e.g. /cont1a/cont1b-state/list2b/index and the type is defined in the SubPath as UInt8.

Field Type Label Description
path string path of the topmost config false object e.g. /cont1a/cont1b-state
sub_path ReadOnlySubPath repeated ReadOnlySubPath is a set of children of the path including an entry for the type of the topmost object with subpath / An example is /list2b/index


ReadOnlySubPath is an extension to the ReadOnlyPath to define the datatype of the subpath

Field Type Label Description
sub_path string sub_path is the relative path of a child object e.g. /list2b/index
value_type onos.config.change.device.ValueType value_type is the datatype of the read only path


ReadWritePath is extracted from the model plugin as the definition of a writeable attributes. In YANG models items are writable by default unless they are specified as config false or have an item with config false as a parent. Each configurable item has metadata with meanings taken from the YANG specification RFC 6020.

Field Type Label Description
path string path is the full path to the attribute (leaf or leaf-list)
value_type onos.config.change.device.ValueType value_type is the data type of the attribute
units string units is the unit of measurement e.g. dB, mV
description string description is an explaination of the meaning of the attribute
mandatory bool mandatory shows whether the attribute is optional (false) or required (true)
default string default is a default value used with optional attributes
range string repeated range is definition of the range of values a value is allowed
length string repeated length is a defintion of the length restrictions for the attribute


RegisterResponse carries status of model plugin registration.

Field Type Label Description
name string name is name of the model plugin.
version string version is the semantic version of the model plugin.


RollbackRequest carries the name of a network config to rollback. If there are subsequent changes to any of the devices in that config, the rollback will be rejected.

Field Type Label Description
name string name is an optional name of a Network Change to rollback. If no name is given the last network change will be rolled back. If the name given is not of the last network change and error will be given.
comment string On optional comment to leave on the rollback.


RollbackResponse carries the response of the rollback operation

Field Type Label Description
message string A message showing the result of the rollback.


Streaming event type

Name Number Description
NONE 0 NONE indicates this response does not represent a state change
ADDED 1 ADDED is an event which occurs when an item is added
UPDATED 2 UPDATED is an event which occurs when an item is updated
REMOVED 3 REMOVED is an event which occurs when an item is removed


ConfigAdminService provides means for enhanced interactions with the configuration subsystem.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
UploadRegisterModel Chunk stream RegisterResponse UploadRegisterModel uploads and adds the model plugin to the list of supported models. The file is serialized in to Chunks of less than 4MB so as not to break the gRPC byte array limit
ListRegisteredModels ListModelsRequest ModelInfo stream ListRegisteredModels returns a stream of registered models.
RollbackNetworkChange RollbackRequest RollbackResponse RollbackNetworkChange rolls back the specified network change (or the latest one).
ListSnapshots ListSnapshotsRequest .onos.config.snapshot.device.Snapshot stream ListSnapshots gets a list of snapshots across all devices and versions, and streams them back to the caller.
CompactChanges CompactChangesRequest CompactChangesResponse CompactChanges requests a snapshot of NetworkChange and DeviceChange stores. This will take all of the Network Changes older than the retention period and flatten them down to just one snapshot (replacing any older snapshot). This will act as a baseline for those changes within the retention period and any future changes. DeviceChanges will be snapshotted to correspond to these NetworkChange compactions leaving an individual snapshot perv device and version combination.

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Type Java Type Python Type
double double double float
float float float float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long
bool bool boolean boolean
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str