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Configuration GUI

The configuration GUI reflects configuration changes made in to onos-config.

Dashboard View

The Dashboard view is the default, and shows all the devices and their network changes in a tabular layout. Other views are available through the menu on the top left or through hyperlinks (e.g. on the device).

  • A corresponding Details view shows individual details
  • Rollback of the last NetworkChange
  • Compaction of NetworkChanges older than a certain time (24 hours by default)
  • Access to a Device View through a link


Device View

Device View is a graphical layout that shows the entire configuration of the device in a tree view.

  • It contains a panel that lists all of the DeviceChanges that have happened to the device. Each of these can be hidden or displayed (like a layer) that can be used to see the history of config changes.
  • An additional layer shows the Snapshot for that device
  • Another layer shows the Operational State (from the OpState cache) when connected to a real device
  • Another layer shows all of the configurable (Read Write) paths possible for the device.
  • Zoom and Pan functions are also available within the graphical view


Model View

Model View is a tabular layout that shows the list of Model Plugins loaded in the system.

  • A details view shows the list of YANG models for that Model Plugin.


Developer information


When the Config view dashboard is loaded:

  1. A grpc-web request is formed and sent as a POST to
  2. This is forwarded by a proxy_pass declaration in nginx.conf to http://localhost:8081
  3. This is converted in to a gRPC request by Envoy Proxy server's grpc-web filter
  4. and is forwarded to https://onos-config:5150 as a gRPC request
  5. onos-config sends back the response to envoy asynchronously as a gRPC response
  6. Envoy's grpc-web service turns it in to a grpc-web response and sends it back to nginx
  7. nginx sends the response back to the browser and the callback function is called
  8. Inside the browser the callback updates the networkChanges object inside the ConfigDashboardComponent
  9. the binding in the config-dashboard.component.html page is alerted to the updated value and refreshes the display
  10. similar calls are made to load the snapshots and devices