Deploying onos micro-services on GCP with HELM
This page provides a set of instructions to deploy micro-onos with HELM on the Google Compute Platform, a.k.a. GCP.
The following set of instruction assumes:
- Google cloud account is set-up, configured and working.
- Google cloud SDK is installed and as per SDK Install instructions.
- kubectl CLI tool is installed and working as expected.
Create a project (optional)
To create and use kubernetes cluster on GCP you'll need to have a GCP project.
If you already have a project configured that you can use feel free to skip this step.
To create a project google provides a set of Project instructions please follow them and name your project as you prefer. For consistency this guide will use micro-onos
In short:
gcloud projects create micro-onos
Initialize your gcloud environment with account, project and region
To prime your environment:
gcloud init
when prompted to login please select the same account as the one you have the GCP setup. An example is as following:
You must log in to continue. Would you like to log in (Y/n)? Y You are logged in as: [].
When prompted to pick the project to work with select the one you have created, in our case micro-onos
Pick cloud project to use: [1] micro-onos [2] Create a new project Please enter numeric choice or text value (must exactly match list item): 1 Your current project has been set to: [micro-onos].
When prompted for the region
Do you want to configure a default Compute Region and Zone? (Y/n)?
you can leave it to gcloud to manage it or set it youself. If n
you select the list of regions can be retreived by
gcloud compute regions list
Create a Kubernetes cluster
To create your kubernetes cluster in the micro-onos
gcloud container clusters create micro-onos-cluster \ --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \ --subnetwork default \ --num-nodes 2
This will create a micro-onos-cluster
with 2 nodes and logging enabled.
The output of should look something like:
Created []. To inspect the contents of your cluster, go to: kubeconfig entry generated for micro-onos-cluster.
If you did not let gcloud pick the region you need to add the --region
gcloud container clusters create micro-onos-cluster \ --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \ --region europe-west1 \ --subnetwork default \ --num-nodes 2
Connect and authorize local environment with the cluster
To connect your local environment to the newly created micro-onos
cluster you need to set the compute zone.
gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west1
make sure to have set here the same region the cluster was created in or that you selected at the previous step.
You also need to get the credentials
gcloud container clusters get-credentials micro-onos-cluster
and authenticate
gcloud auth application-default login
Check cluster status
To make sure the cluster is properly created and is accessible:
kubectl cluster-info
the output should look something like
Kubernetes master is running at
GLBCDefaultBackend is running at
Heapster is running at
KubeDNS is running at
Metrics-server is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
Deploy micro-onos
with Helm
Now that you have your K8s cluster on GCP ready and working there is no difference as having any other k8s cluster. To deploy micro-onos
you can easily follow the existing instructions on how to deploy with helm.
Observe cluster status
On the GCP user interface the cluster can be seen
Also the services can be monitored.
Delete a cluster on GCP
After you have concluded your work remeber to delete the GCP cluster you have created not to incur in useless work and payments.
gcloud container clusters delete micro-onos-cluster