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Extending onos-config with Configuration Model Plugins

onos-config is an extensible configuration management system, that allows the configuration of many types and versions of targets (devices) to be managed concurrently.

Information models in YANG format (RFC 6020) can be used to accurately define the configuration and state objects and attributes of a device. In practice a target's object model usually consists of a number of YANG files including augments and deviations, all of which must be considered as a combined unit.

In onos-config a set of these combined YANG files defining a particular version of a target type is known as a model.

Over its lifecycle onos-config will have to deal with different models as its scope is expanded and as devices - and configurable targets in general - go through their release cycles. To allow this, models are loadable as plugins in the form of sidecar containers and are accessible to onos-config via a gRPC interface that can be used to perform a number of model-specific tasks:

  • Retrieve target capabilities (model schema in form of configuration paths)
  • Validate target JSON configuration (for adherence to the schema and any consistency rules)
  • Extract path/type/value list from target JSON configuration

Model Compiler

Plugins are built from a set of specified YANG files and a small metadata.yaml file, using facilities of a onosproject/model-compiler docker image. This docker image utilizes a number of off-the-shelf tools such as YGOT, pyang and automatically generates code and a Makefile that can be used to build, assemble and publish the model plugin docker image.

Create your own Model Plugin

To build your own configuration model plugin, assemble all the required YANG files and place them in the yang/ directory located at the root of your project. Then, author a small YAML file metadata.yaml at the root of the project. This file names the model, specifies its version, names the Go package for the generated code and identifies the root YANG files that should be passed to YGOT by the model compiler. Here's an example:

name: mymodel
version: 1.0.0
artifactName: devicesim
  - name: openconfig-interfaces
    organization: OpenConfig working group
    revision: 2017-07-14
    file: openconfig-interfaces@2017-07-14.yang
  - name: openconfig-openflow
    organization: OpenConfig working group
    revision: 2017-06-01
    file: openconfig-openflow@2017-06-01.yang
  - name: openconfig-platform
    organization: OpenConfig working group
    revision: 2016-12-22
    file: openconfig-platform@2016-12-22.yang
  - name: openconfig-system
    organization: OpenConfig working group
    revision: 2017-07-06
    file: openconfig-system@2017-07-06.yang

Note that the yang/ directory will also need to contain all YANG files being included/referenced by any of the root modules.

Invoke the model compiler

Once the YANG files and metadata YAML file are ready invoke the model compiler as follows:

docker run -v $(pwd):/config-model onosproject/model-compiler:latest

Afterwards, to compile and assemble the configuration model docker image, simply run:

make image

Loading the Model Plugin

Model Plugins and gNMI Capabilities

Capabilities on gNMI Northbound interface

The CapabilitiesResponse on the gNMI northound interface is generated dynamically from the modeldata section of all of the loaded Model Plugins.

Capabilities comparison on Southbound gNMI interface

At runtime when devices are connected to onos-config the response to the Capabilities request are compared with the modeldata for their corresponding ModelPlugin - if there is not an exact match a warning is displayed.

OpenConfig Models

Some devices that support OpenConfig Models report their capabilities using an OpenConfig versioning scheme e.g. 0.5.0, rather than the YANG revision date in the format 2017-07-06. If the device can correct its capabilities to give the revision then it should to be more consistent with non OpenConfig YANG models.

Accessing OpenConfig model of a specific revision requires a number of steps in Github.

For instance if a device reports it used openconfig-interfacess.yang 2.0.0, then to get this file do:

  • Browse to openconfig-interfaces.yang
  • Observe in the list of revision items in the YANG file that the reference 2.0.0 corresponds to a release date of 2017-07-14
  • Click in the History button
  • In the History page for this file, see that the next commit after this date was on Aug 9, 2017
  • Click on the related commit message
  • In the list of files modified in that commit click the ... next to the file openconfig-interfacess.yang and choose View File
  • In the page that displays the historical version of the file, click the Raw button
  • In the resulting raw display of the YANG file verify that the latest revision is 2017-07-14
  • Save the file locally as openconfig-interfaces@2017-07-14.yang

All the files in the yang folder were downloaded in this way. They are not strictly needed once generated.go has been created, but are kept here for convenience, saving to have to run the procedure above if a change was needed.

If the generator program reports that a dependency was required e.g. openconfig-inet-types.yang then the version of this file with a date equal to or before 2017-07-14 should be downloaded - it is openconfig-inet-types@2017-07-14.yang

Readonly paths in OpenConfig models

When an item in an Openconfig YANG file has "config false" it is effectively a read-only attribute. Usually with OpenConfig read-only objects are interspersed throughout the YANG model.

To see a list of Read Only paths use the command:

> onos config get plugins -v

When the Model Plugin is loaded, setting of an attribute like state/address should give an appropriate error

> gnmi_cli -address onos-config:5150 -set \
    -proto "update: <path: <target: 'devicesim-1', elem: <name: 'system'> elem: <name: 'openflow'> elem: <name: 'controllers'> elem: <name: 'controller' key: <key: 'name' value: 'main'>> elem: <name: 'connections'> elem: <name: 'connection' key: <key: 'aux-id' value: '0'>> elem: <name: 'state'> elem: <name: 'address'>> val: <string_val: ''>>" \
    -timeout 5s -en PROTO -alsologtostderr \
    -client_crt /etc/ssl/certs/client1.crt -client_key /etc/ssl/certs/client1.key -ca_crt /etc/ssl/certs/onfca.crt

gives the error:

rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = update contains a change to a read only
  path /system/openflow/controllers/controller[name=main]/connections/connection[aux-id=0]/state/address. Rejected
