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Field Type Label Description
configuration_id string


Field Type Label Description
configuration onos.config.v2.Configuration


Field Type Label Description
id string ID of transaction to get
index uint64 index of transaction to get; leave 0 for lookup by ID; if specified takes precedence


Field Type Label Description
transaction onos.config.v2.Transaction


LeafSelectionQueryRequest carries request for the selection of leaf values

Field Type Label Description
target string target is the name of the target (device) to perform the query on
type string type of model plugin to perform the query on
version string version of model plugin to perform the query on
selectionPath string selectionPath is a configuration path to a leaf in the format: /a/b[key1=index][key2=index2]/c/d where d is a leaf node
changeContext gnmi.SetRequest changeContext is the set of changes (e.g. from the GUI form) that have to be superimposed on the current configuration before the leaf selection can be made All the changes in this request should match the target given above optional


LeafSelectionQueryResponse carries response for the model information query

Field Type Label Description
selection string repeated selection is an array of string values



Field Type Label Description
configuration onos.config.v2.Configuration


ListModelsRequest carries data for querying registered model plugins.

Field Type Label Description
verbose bool verbose option causes all of the ReadWrite and ReadOnly paths to be included.
model_name string An optional filter on the name of the model plugins to list.
model_version string An optional filter on the version of the model plugins to list



Field Type Label Description
transaction onos.config.v2.Transaction


ModelInfo is general information about a model plugin.

Field Type Label Description
name string name is the name given to the model plugin - no spaces and title case.
version string version is the semantic version of the Plugin e.g. 1.0.0.
model_data gnmi.ModelData repeated model_data is a set of metadata about the YANG files that went in to generating the model plugin. It includes name, version and organization for each YANG file, similar to how they are represented in gNMI Capabilities.
module string Deprecated. module is no longer used
getStateMode uint32 getStateMode is flag that defines how the "get state" operation works. 0) means that no retrieval of state is attempted 1) means that the synchronizer will make 2 requests to the device - one for Get with State and another for Get with Operational. 2) means that the synchronizer will do a Get request comprising of each one of the ReadOnlyPaths and their sub paths. If there is a list in any one of these paths it will be sent down as is, expecting the devices implementation of gNMI will be able to expand wildcards. 3) means that the synchronizer will do a Get request comprising of each one of the ReadOnlyPaths and their sub paths. If there is a list in any one of these paths, a separate call will be made first to find all the instances in the list and a Get including these expanded wildcards will be sent down to the device.
read_only_path ReadOnlyPath repeated read_only_path is all of the read only paths for the model plugin.
read_write_path ReadWritePath repeated read_write_path is all of the read write paths for the model plugin.
supported_encodings gnmi.Encoding repeated
namespace_mappings Namespace repeated namespace_mappings is a set of all prefix to module name mapping in the model
southboundUsePrefix bool southboundUsePrefix indicates that the southbound should add prefixes in gNMI paths


ModelInfoRequest carries request for the model information


ModelInfoResponse carries response for the model information query

Field Type Label Description
modelInfo ModelInfo


Field Type Label Description
id string
endpoint string
info ModelInfo
status string
error string


Namespace is a mapping between a module name and its shorthand prefix

Field Type Label Description
module string
prefix string


PathValuesRequest carries configuration change as a JSON blob

Field Type Label Description
pathPrefix string
json bytes


PathValuesResponse carries a list of typed path values

Field Type Label Description
pathValues onos.config.v2.PathValue repeated


ReadOnlyPath extracted from the model plugin as the definition of a tree of read only items. In YANG models items are defined as ReadOnly with the config false keyword. This can be applied to single items (leafs) or collections (containers or lists). When this config false is applied to an object every item beneath it will also become readonly - here these are shown as subpaths. The complete read only path then will be a concatenation of both e.g. /cont1a/cont1b-state/list2b/index and the type is defined in the SubPath as UInt8.

Field Type Label Description
path string path of the topmost config false object e.g. /cont1a/cont1b-state
sub_path ReadOnlySubPath repeated ReadOnlySubPath is a set of children of the path including an entry for the type of the topmost object with subpath / An example is /list2b/index


ReadOnlySubPath is an extension to the ReadOnlyPath to define the datatype of the subpath

Field Type Label Description
sub_path string sub_path is the relative path of a child object e.g. /list2b/index
value_type onos.config.v2.ValueType value_type is the datatype of the read only path
type_opts uint64 repeated
description string
units string
IsAKey bool
AttrName string


ReadWritePath is extracted from the model plugin as the definition of a writeable attributes. In YANG models items are writable by default unless they are specified as config false or have an item with config false as a parent. Each configurable item has metadata with meanings taken from the YANG specification RFC 6020.

Field Type Label Description
path string path is the full path to the attribute (leaf or leaf-list)
value_type onos.config.v2.ValueType value_type is the data type of the attribute
units string units is the unit of measurement e.g. dB, mV
description string description is an explaination of the meaning of the attribute
mandatory bool mandatory shows whether the attribute is optional (false) or required (true)
default string Deprecated. default is a default value used with optional attributes. Replaced by 'defaults' below
range string repeated range is definition of the range of values a value is allowed
length string repeated length is a defintion of the length restrictions for the attribute
type_opts uint64 repeated
IsAKey bool
AttrName string
defaults string repeated defaults is a default value(s) used with optional attributes. For leaf-list can have repeated values replaces the 'default' attribute above


RollbackRequest carries the index of the configuration change transaction to rollback.

Field Type Label Description
index uint64 index of the transaction that should be rolled back


RollbackResponse carries the response of the rollback operation

Field Type Label Description
id string ID of the rollback transaction
index uint64 index of the rollback transaction


ValidateConfigRequest carries configuration data to be validated as a JSON blob

Field Type Label Description
json bytes


ValidateConfigRequest carries configuration data to be validated as a JSON blob

Field Type Label Description
json bytes


ValidateConfigRequestChunk carries configuration data to be validated as a JSON blob Recommended maximum size is 100kB

Field Type Label Description
json bytes


ValidateConfigResponse carries the result of the validation

Field Type Label Description
valid bool
message string


ValueSelectionRequest carries the necessary parts to form a selection context

Field Type Label Description
selectionPath string selectionPath is a configuration path to a leaf in the format: /a/b[key1=index][key2=index2]/c/d where d is a leaf node
configJson bytes configJson is a JSON tree view of the complete Configuration for a Target


ValueSelectionRequestChunk carries the necessary parts to form a selection context Recommended maximum size is 100kB

Field Type Label Description
selectionPath string selectionPath is a configuration path to a leaf in the format: /a/b[key1=index][key2=index2]/c/d where d is a leaf node
configJson bytes configJson is a JSON tree view of the complete Configuration for a Target


ValueSelectionResponse returns the result of applying the selection rules to the selection context

Field Type Label Description
selection string repeated selection is an array of string values


Field Type Label Description
configuration_id string
noreplay bool


Field Type Label Description
event onos.config.v2.ConfigurationEvent


Field Type Label Description
id string
noreplay bool


Field Type Label Description
event onos.config.v2.TransactionEvent


ConfigAdminService provides means for enhanced interactions with the configuration subsystem.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
ListRegisteredModels ListModelsRequest ModelPlugin stream ListRegisteredModels returns a stream of registered models.
RollbackTransaction RollbackRequest RollbackResponse RollbackTransaction rolls back the specified configuration change transaction.
LeafSelectionQuery LeafSelectionQueryRequest LeafSelectionQueryResponse LeafSelectionQuery selects values allowable for leaf. It supports the ROC GUI by supplying a list of valid leaf values based off an XPath query defined in a 'leaf-selection' YANG extension Calls on GetValueSelection RPC on Model Plugin


ConfigurationService provides means to inspect the contents of the internal configurations store.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetConfiguration GetConfigurationRequest GetConfigurationResponse Get configuration by its target ID
ListConfigurations ListConfigurationsRequest ListConfigurationsResponse stream List returns all target configurations
WatchConfigurations WatchConfigurationsRequest WatchConfigurationsResponse stream Watch returns a stream of configuration change notifications


ModelPluginService is to be implemented by model plugin sidecar

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetModelInfo ModelInfoRequest ModelInfoResponse GetModelInfo provides information about the model
ValidateConfig ValidateConfigRequest ValidateConfigResponse ValidateConfig validates the provided configuration data against the model
ValidateConfigChunked ValidateConfigRequestChunk stream ValidateConfigResponse ValidateConfigChunked validates the provided configuration data against the model
GetPathValues PathValuesRequest PathValuesResponse GetPathValues produces list of typed path value entries from the specified configuration change JSON tree
GetValueSelection ValueSelectionRequest ValueSelectionResponse GetValueSelection gets a list of valid options for a leaf by applying selection rules in YANG. Replaced by GetValueSelectionChunked
GetValueSelectionChunked ValueSelectionRequestChunk stream ValueSelectionResponse GetValueSelectionChunked gets a list of valid options for a leaf by applying selection rules in YANG. The selection rules should be defined as an XPath expression, as an argument to a leaf-selection extension in the YANG model (Used to support the ROC GUI)


TransactionService provides means to inspect the contents of the internal transactions store.

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetTransaction GetTransactionRequest GetTransactionResponse Get transaction by its ID or index
ListTransactions ListTransactionsRequest ListTransactionsResponse stream List returns all configuration transactions
WatchTransactions WatchTransactionsRequest WatchTransactionsResponse stream Watch returns a stream of configuration transaction change notifications

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)