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Deploying ONOS classic with HELM

Like the µONOS services, ONOS classic (Java-Karaf based SDN controller) can also be deployed to a Kubernetes cluster.

Deployment options

Local Deployment Setup with Kind

See deploy with helm for a general descriptions for Kind and Helm installation.

Bare metal deployment

For High Availability features the deployment should have at least 3 nodes in the cluster. Because "PodAffinity" is enabled by default - the onos-classic service will not start without 3 nodes with the default settings.


Follow the same Prerequisites as in the µONOS deployment (except the CORD repo is not necessary).

Deploy onos-classic

onos-classic can be deployed alongside the µONOS umbrella chart or any combination of individual charts.

Deploy the full HA scenario

This requires at least 3 nodes in the K8S cluster.

helm -n micro-onos install onos-classic onosproject/onos-classic

On kind you can use the following configuration to create a 3 node worker k8s deployment.

kind: Cluster
  - role: control-plane
  - role: worker
  - role: worker
  - role: worker

After saving this configuration in a file, e.g. cluster.cfg, you can create the cluster with:

kind create cluster --name onos-classic --config cluster.cfg

Disable Atmoix persistent volumes for clean state after restart

Atomix comes with the capability to save data to persistent volumes to preserve it across re-starts of the containers. For easiness of development lifecycle and to achieve a clean slate every time such feature needs to be disabled. It's disabled by passing --set atomix.persistence.enabled=false So the resulting command will be

helm -n micro-onos install onos-classic onosproject/onos-classic --set atomix.persistence.enabled=false

You can verify that no persistent volumes are present with

kubectl -n micro-onos get pvc

Deploy on a single node Kind installation

This is the simplest possible deployment with a local Atomix installation and a single replica.

helm -n micro-onos install onos-classic onosproject/onos-classic --set atomix.replicas=0 --set replicas=1

Kind will pull several images from Docker in to its own repo before it starts the cluster. This can be time consuming over a limited connection. It may help performance by doing docker pull on each of the images listed below just once in to your local registry, and then after Kind starts up loading these in to Kind with:

kind load docker-image ubuntu:16.04
kind load docker-image onosproject/onos:2.2.2
kind load docker-image tutum/dnsutils:latest
kind load docker-image atomix/atomix:3.1.0

Accessing the ONOS CLI

The CLI can be accessed through SSH (or if it is available the classic onos tool).

On a bare metal cluster:

ssh -p 8101 onos@<cluster ip>

the password as usual is rocks. Access can also be got by karaf/karaf.

Alternatively using the onos script from ~/onos/tools/test/bin/onos

onos onos@<cluster ip>

On Kind, because NodePorts are not exposed, it is necessary to set up a port-forward to the onos-classic pod in the cluster, before accessing the CLI.

kubectl -n micro-onos port-forward $(kubectl -n micro-onos get pods -l app=onos-classic-onos-classic -o name) 8101

The CLI is then available at localhost.

ssh -p 8101 onos@localhost

Accessing the ONOS GUI

The GUI can be accessed at port 8181 of the cluster like http://:8181/onos/ui

With Kind it is necessary to set up port-forwarding to port 8181 and the GUI will be available at http://localhost:8181/onos/ui

Controlling the default set of applications

By default only the following apps are installed:

*  28 org.onosproject.optical-model        2.2.2    Optical Network Model
*  29 org.onosproject.openflow-base        2.2.2    OpenFlow Base Provider
*  34 org.onosproject.drivers              2.2.2    Default Drivers
*  83 org.onosproject.gui2                 2.2.2    ONOS GUI2

To load additional apps on startup, add them like:

helm -n micro-onos install onos-classic onosproject/onos-classic \
--set atomix.replicas=0 --set replicas=1 \
--set apps[1]=org.onosproject.drivers.bmv2 \
--set apps[2]=org.onosproject.lldpprovider \
--set apps[3]=org.onosproject.hostprovider

i.e. the set used in the NG-SDN Tutorial